International Customer Success Specialist (English Language)

What you will do:
  • Communicate with customers and solve their domain or account-related issues via live chat and tickets.
  • Be a true ambassador, and show our customers what customer obsession is.
  • Focus on the customers' success by offering additional services, tools, and products.
  • Dive deep into the world of IT by continuously polishing your technical background.
  • Deliver impactful work on a company scale.

What we expect: 
  • At the very least, we expect you to have a diploma. It doesn't have to be a diploma in a specific field, but one in IT would be advantageous.
  • Strong English Proficiency (C1 or higher - Similar to TOEFL ITP (600)/IELTS (6,5).
  • Since you'll be working with our live chat service, we expect you to have excellent written English skills. If you have no English certification, you can attach relevant English-exposure activities on your CV such as study exchange, international conferences, international volunteering programs, handling projects within an international scope, and experience in writing English articles or research.
  • Proven customer service or people-interaction experiences. Direct experience in customer service/support/success roles or any experience related (but not limited) to teaching, mentoring, leading, facilitating, debating, project management, marketing communication, public relation, assisting, and liaising.
  • A minimum 54 WPM typing - speed is critical while assisting multiple customers simultaneously via live chats.
  • A proven interest in IT. Having a general understanding of an IT environment, including some experience (not necessarily expertise) with several digital tools/technologies.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Customer-obsessed. Focus on customer success by resolving issues and offering additional services, tools, and products.
  • Availability to work on a flexible schedule (full-time only, morning/day/night shifts - including weekends and public holidays).
  • A hunger for learning and growing.
  • A natural problem solver with a moderate understanding of technical concepts like domain, hosting, and website.

What we offer:
  • Competitive salary ranging from IDR 5 - 6 million.
  • Bonuses and allowances (unlimited bonuses for upselling and efficiency based on KPIs, full attendance bonuses, meal, internet, and night shift allowances).
  • Medical/health insurance.
  • Remote work opportunity - this position is fully remote.
  • Psychological counseling and the opportunity to take recharge days.
  • Promising career path: Level-up from Junior to Senior level, promotion to another team in the CS Department or other departments, and exciting challenges to make you feel genuine enjoyment at work.
  • Personal development activities include individual mentorship, workshops, paid training (with Udemy), and international conferences.
  • Other benefits include a birthday present, a special gift for the best team member, and much more.

Interested? Apply this vacancy on:

Work Opportunity at Niagahoster in February 2023 - Loker Startup

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